quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

3rd Workshop meeting of coordinators of the Network 22: presentation of results

The 3rd Meeting of the Research Network took place on 9 and 10 February, in the Free University of the Environment (Unilivre) in Curitiba. This meeting was attended by members of eight institutions that comprise the project network (UFBA, UNISINOS, UFSC, UFMS, UFS, UFPel, UFES and UFPR), Besides these members, the meeting was attended by consultants from FINEP and the Housing Company of Paraná (Cohapar).

The implementation of the event was held with the collaboration of members of the Center of Design and Sustainability (NDS) UFPR.During the presentations, Professor. Dr. Enedir Ghisi was responsible for organizing discussions about administrative and financial issues in order to adjust and clarify the dynamics of the network.

At another moment in the meeting, researchers presented the preliminary results of each subproject in the form of technical Congress sessions. During the event were presented 24 short seminars that showed advances of each of the subprojects (2, 3, 5 and 6) of this network. This model allowed greater interaction between researchers from different institutions, making room for discussions after each presentation. The meetings of the network assist in the monitoring of projects by consultants from FINEP and contribute effectively in the integration of projects and researchers.

The slides presented by network are available for download on the link below:
Download the slides presented during the meeting.

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